Here's the link to my freshman year blog
Hey I'm back after school is now over. I will have a more set schedule (I hope) with work and my own studies. Your own studies you ask? Well, read on.
I wanted to first talk about one of the most chaotic months of my life: December 2009. I went through great highs with graduation from college and hanging out with people special to me. There were great lows with having to call an ambulance to take my father to the hospital and the "Snowball" after that. Christmas felt new but family is a constant reminder of old responsibilities. I'll also go over a few New Year's resolutions.
Usually its better to start with the bad first and then go onto the good. I called an ambulance to take my father to the hospital on December 4th because he wasn't breathing correctly and during the overnight there he stopped breathing and had to be incubated the next morning His lungs were full of fluid from sickness and water retention, had preliminary heart failure signs, and his obesity was weakening his lungs. He had to stay in the ICU for about 2 weeks and then was discharged to a "Skilled Nursing Facility" which is the fancy way to say a care home. My dad is still there to lower his viral-caused increase in weight and strengthen his lungs as they were damaged.
I don't like really talking about my family's health issues (my parents have a... pethora of them) but it has reminded me of how important it is to take care of one's self through exercise and nutrition. Both of my parents are negligent of these things and for a young man like me it’s not hard to realize how much of an effect bad habits can have on the body. There is no such thing as self-destructive habits because they destroy those that care about you. Eulogies are very hard things to think about, as well as life-support decisions.
So that was an extreme low point in my life. Honestly graduation did not really balance out anything this month, but I don't really believe in "life balance" or Karma as I like to think the world can extend beyond checks and balances. It’s a very very optimistic view, I know. But I finally graduated from SJSU with a Bachelor's Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering! The graduation ceremony was nice, but really I felt like I graduated when I turned in my last project and last final. It is much more about the work that is finished for me than a ceremony.
I am glad to finally have graduated as it symbolizes a stepping stone in my life for what I want to become as a person. "Love what you do and do what you love." Though I want to broaden that old phrase into loving what you hope to accomplish and doing what will accomplish that. More than anything the degree gave me confidence in my ability to work hard hahaha. So I have to keep up with the hard work even if I have graduated. Most people see work as something that is not fun and no one would want to do it for no pay or in their free time. I guess I am different because I enjoy doing engineering work for good causes. The philanthropist in me once thought of going into the Peace Corps, but working for Engineers Without Borders fits me more.
Wow this has gotten super super long. It’s good to be back! Well, here is a rundown of New Year’s resolutions.
- Post once every 2 weeks on my Blog (very hard)
- stick with a workout schedule (hard)
- cuss less (normal)
I'll keep people informed!