First blog post of the new year. Bi-weekly posts here we go!
So this blog is going to have 3 small prargraphs/ideas/thoughts/monkey's on my back/paths to my soul.
Anyone who has known me for a while knows I like trying new things, especially when they aren't mainstream. Small restaurants, farmer's markets, broomball, new bars, and hikes. There was this small eatery that opened up next to Peanuts (SJSU people will know) that is "Korean style Japanese" Food. This means the restaurant owners are Korean, the food served is Japanese, and the cook is (probably) Mexican. This little corner building has gonr through 4 restuarants while I was in school. The first place was a terrible Chinese place, then a good Arabic place, a cheap/bad Nexican place, and now this place. I went in to this empty eatery and ordered some salmon teriyaki to go. They gave me a miso soup while I was waiting and then another one for the road. The family that owns it was friendly, but I'm scared that the place will close down because they opened up while SJSU wasn't in session. The food was good, though a little pricey for cheap college students. It is called "Osheyo" and maybe will add some variety to places around SJSU.
January 11th was the 20th Anniversary of the Simpsons. There have been 450 episodes and has been on TV longer than any other show. It is said to be the best show in the last 25 years (idk about that). The Simpsons have been on TV as long as I have been watching TV, and I can't imagine life without it! Just kidding, but it still shows that quality and excellence can succeed EVEN ON TV. Futurama was a great show, and Family Guy has its moments, but is still not close to the satire of American Culture that is the Simpsons. The best line from the Simpsons special tonight was "It's such a part of our world that its become like dogs or candy. When someone says that they don't like the Simpsons, you look at them in disbelief." I'm watching Season 10 of the Simpsons right now, even though I have to catch up on Heroes, Glee (uhhh... yeah), House, and maybe start up on Lost and Entourage. Here's a drinking game
"500 Days of Summer" has replaced WallE on my top 5 movies of all time. It was close between WallE and Dark Knight, but 500 Days of Summer is a very artistic movie and is the same type as WallE. Its a movie about love, and does an excellent job portraying the nuisances of Love for people in this world. This movie made me think of many things in my own life, but I'll talk about my own opinion of the greatness of stories. I love reading/watching stories that inspire an outcry of my own emotions. 500 was about love, Star Wars was awe and hope. Scary movies make one feel fear and tension. Video games also do that to me, as a great story can be told while immersed in it. Your own decisions and successes effect the story. Playing sports and watching them is the same way: an expression of human passion and greatness.
Oh, here's something to look at if ever needing some ideas on vacation or just a makeout spot, haha.