What do you do when Ants are swarming all over your kitchen? Do you have kitchens?
Really, I want to know what you do about Ants when you can't kill them? The house I am staying at in Dixon is being swarmed by them because of the Spring rains. I actually like rain, means plants are growing, the air smells fresher (cause it is), and its better after the droughts California has been through, but I hate Ants invading our living areas because their own are flooded.
There's an Ant on my laptop!
Sitting is apparently going to kill us all. Scientists are doing studies on the effects of sitting for most of the day as office/cubicle folk. It is really damaging our leg and core muscles. Even with consistent exercise humans must sit less and stand/walk more in a day to offset the potential debilitating problems associated with sitting too much/being inactive for most of the day.
I sadly need to start gelling/something my hair to make it more presentable at work... too much frizzy hair. Though I love running my hands through my luscious locks in frustration, and I cannot do that with gel.
Eatting an apple... but I have to throw it outside cause of the stupid Ants. There's one on me!
Honey I shrunk the kids!