I’m on a plane to Hawaii for my cousin’s wedding! I don’t particularly like location weddings because you leave out many people that can’t travel or won’t spend the money for it, but it was a good reason to actually use my days off. I will be there from Thursday in the morning to Monday afternoon, and then I have to drive back up the Sacramento for work! Hurray!
A few things about the wedding were a bit odd.
1) No Hawaiian shirts and it is semi formal, but you can wear flip-flops. I guess this is because my cousin might hate heels?
2) There is no registry to give gifts. They asked for money to help pay for the wedding as the couple don’t cook and so don’t need many things for a house. I guess we’ll give ….$25-$30?
3) The wedding is on Sunday! I wish it was on Saturday so I would have one day to enjoy again before I leave.
Wearing the shirt I bought here 5 years ago, so I can finally get rid of it. It has been washed only 2 times because the design has already chipped off in the wash. The shirt is on its last legs sadly, and I thought it would be fitting to wear it one more time before getting rid of it. While at the airport I noticed that they have concerts on Fridays! Live music at the airport! So weird… My gf believes that San Jose is obsessed with free music, and I sadly agree with her since we have a great Jazz festival but theres no pull for good artists to play here.
As for me, I have been working hard, working out hard, sleeping hard, and studying hard (trying to) 4 weeks ago I injured my OTHER knee playing basketball and have been resting it. Instead I’ve been working on my upper body and eating much healthier. Its amazing how much better my diet is when I am not at home and not bound by the food my parents also want to eat. I have a half marathon at the end of July so hoping my knee will be find by then. As well I have decided my goal for the year is to take 2 Certification tests. That means a lot of studying!
One thing I would like to mention is that I really want to start exploring more unique places in the Bay Area. There are some places I haven’t been to in San Jose that have perked my interest, as well the new downtown’s for Mountain View and Sunnyvale are similar to Palo Alto’s, just smaller and so much more friendly.
Poor Vancouver, their Hockey Team gets destroyed in the Stanley Cup and then the Canadians riot, showing a very ugly side to typically nice people. The whole world was watching the game 7, and is now listening into the rioting and damage.