Hello everyone this is Christian here bringing you another Trilling Post!
Actually this is my first one and I want people to know my blogging style a little bit.
I'll be posting something up about once a week. Over the course of the week I'll have something "astounding" hit me and I'll just have a need to post about it. These posts will never name anyone or talk directly about a person in a negative way. Though if the post stems from a person you might be able to guess who it is about. I go for writing about ideas or impressions I receive from the world around me.
My first post will be a bit of a downer, as it has been a sad week for me as my Mom's Aunt passed away at 86. 86... that's an incredible number for someone as young as 21 like me (soon to be 22). So many more things I have to accomplish and do in my life before that time. Just a month ago I was with my Lolo (filipino respect word for grandmother) and she was happy, content at being with her family for Christmas and seeing them become adults themselves.
When I think about a funeral, there are 2 types. The ones that happen before their time, and those that fulfilled the ideal of a good life. She was a woman that went beyond those ideals, as I saw from the love in her family and their own success. Funerals can be celebrations of a good life, and as I believe in the soul since there is something more to humans then the mind and body, she certainly deserves a special place to go after this.
Yet how can one measure a life? Friends? Family? Accomplishments? When I asked myself this question a quick answer sprung up which was "By doing as much as you can to shape your world". Shape the whole world, yourself, the people you are close to, that special someone. While this idea has many holes in it, for better or for worse it does make sense. Just, the next question is: How much is "as much as you can?" You decide that too I guess, reflecting on yourself.
If you haven't seen this link, SEE IT NOW
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