Werewolves vs. Vampires
So I was talking with a couple friends the other day at a birthday party and the subject of “Twilight” came up between the girls. They seemed quite bitter about the fourth book and began ranting about how the book was only about Edward (Vampire) and none of Jacob (Werewolf). I was paying a little bit of attention and then a question dawned on me. “Which one do you like more, Vampires or Werewolves?” This directed the conversation toward a more general audience (guys).
Vampires in common sci-fi culture are known as creatures that feed off blood. They usually have In Twilight, they may have souls, but I have heard that they typically think of humans as food or as lower beings.
Werewolves until recently were individuals that transformed because of a full moon into a wolf creature that terrorized people. Now Lycans (I think they are synonyms)are a apparently a part of the “underworld” society where they are ruled over by vampires or shunned by society. It is always a problem killing a werewolf as his/her ulterior ego is the reason for the killing.
Of course, in Twilight its Edward vs Jacob. Now, to make this a bigger debate:
Which one do you like more, Vampires or a Werewolves? I don’t mean that a werewolf has to be transformed, just overall.
I feel worse for werewolves and maybe if you know… some of that werewolf ferocity could be in the human form… hehe.
Well, here’s something more interesting blog post
Are you an Alcoholic?
1.Do you lose time from work due to your drinking?
2. Is drinking making your home life unhappy?
3. Do you drink because you are shy with other people?
4. Is drinking affecting your reputation?
5. Have you ever felt remorse after drinking?
6. Have you gotten into financial difficulties as a result of your drinking?
7. Do you turn to lower companions and an inferior environment when drinking?
No… Yes…. Wait what?
8. Does your drinking make you careless of your family's welfare?
9. Has your ambition decreased since drinking?
10. Do you crave a drink at a definite time daily?
11. Do you want a drink the next morning?
12. Does drinking cause you to have difficulty in sleeping?
…..It has happened…. Yes?
13. Has your efficiency decreased since drinking?
14. Is drinking jeopardizing your job or business?
15. Do you drink to escape from worries or troubles?
16. Do you drink alone?
17. Have you ever had a complete loss of memory as a result of your drinking?
No, just… fast time?
18. Has your physician ever treated you for drinking?
19. Do you drink to build up your self-confidence?
I have actually, yes
20. Have you ever been in a hospital or institution on account of drinking?
If you have answered YES to any one of the questions, there is a definite warning that you may be an alcoholic.
If you have answered YES to any two, the chances are that you are an alcoholic.
If you have answered YES to three or more, you are definitely an alcoholic.
OMG I'M AN ALCOHOLIC.... rehab time? lol
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