- Dante Alighieri
I like this quote, though anyone that has studied Dante's Inferno will tell you the worst place in Hell is the coldest place, and it is PRETTY cold right now in my room.
So here's a quick rundown of April for everyone.
April 5th: my Dad comes home after going though rehabilitation at a care center for his congestive heart disease and bronchitis. Big day!
April 9th: Interview with Kennedy/Jenks Consultants. A water/environmental engineering consulting company in Palo Alto. This is for an entry level position and I would LOVE to get it.
April 17th-19th: Vegas! Party!
April 18th: Important Day, hehe
April 20th: Birthday! Probably won't want to do something this day but that weekend I'd like to have a BBQ or something in the day and then the night.
*I have a variable day interview with Kleinfelder throughout April, unsure if it will happen or the date yet*
So I am going to be pretty busy! Even FF13 will be neglected (GF>FF sorry video game)
So I will make this blog a little about FF13 and the whole series!
I have played every FF except 11, 1, and 2. When I was a kid I actually bought the strategy guides for 1 and 2 (nintendopower!) with my small savings and read the storylines. I have always played the final fantasy games for their storylines and characters.
When my brother started playing FF4 I was scared because the boss battle music was so scary!
(I was such a wuss, look at that thing! And it was even the mother of one of the female characters!)
Final Fantasy 6 is my favorite, though it is probably because it was the first one I played. I will argue that it is the best simply because the characters are just soooo awesome. First there are so many of them! While each one does not get character development, the main 11 characters (ones required for storyline) have backgrounds, stories, reasons to fight, and develop. The battle system was extremely fun because every character had a special move adding a new element to battles.
I am pointing out these great parts of my favorite one because FF13 feels a great deal like this. The story starts out with each character being terribly 1-dimensional, somewhat delusional. But this leaves for great character development, albeit forced. Every character goes through transitions and mature, much like how Squall or Cloud did, EXCEPT WITH EVERY CHARACTER (stupid games...).
I never thought I would say this, but I missed the WORLD MAP. You never really get one in FF13, which was so epic in the previous ones for exploration. It really kills the fantasy portion of the game, as it feels like you are on rails going through a movie (good, but not RPG good).
Here's my ranking of FFs
Goodbye FF13 for a while!
Lightning: Hey Squall, my gunblade actually MAKES sense
Lightning: Unlike your's. It looks like you are trying to compensate for something.
Squall: ....
1 comment:
clearly FF6 is the best FF out there. i dare anyone to show me a scene more awesome than suplexing a train. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2u84cH_bmTA&playnext_from=TL&videos=NRyFfS9IRzI
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