Sunday, January 23, 2011

Valentines Planning!

So... I just realized its the end of January....

Holy cow did that month go by quickly. So much seemed to be jam packed into the last 3 weeks....

The ironic part of this is that now that all the holiday spirit and cheer has come and gone, we have to begin looking forward to times that aren't as world consuming or social. I really want to go to Hawaii some time this year.

My friend has a free flight with southwest, he has suggested going to vegas, miami, new york.

But there has to be little events to look forward too as well. I am always overjoyed to see my girlfriend and spend time with her especially since it is a long distance relationship right now (rawr).

After going through the last few events in my family life with financial problems and health problems I realized that events to look forward to don't have to be ones that you can tell everyone about like a marathon or a wild trip to vegas, but little things that make lives better. I have never taken my parents out to eat, and we are going for sushi tomorrow. Hopefully the place will not be packed because of my dads wheelchair.

And if they can't, then I'll be sure to get take out and sit down with them.

Maybe I'll have a Guiness with my dad, Brillant!

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