Tuesday, August 17, 2010
First Day of Work!
I had my first day of work today! it was a 8 to 5 day and had work almost the entire time. I wish i actually had more time to get prepared and situated, but that is life.
I am going to denote the company name with periods inside of it. Last time I blogged about a company they found it by searching their name and I prefer to keep my blog away from my work life so I do not need to be second-guessing what I say.
It is for a company called BK.F, that works in land development and building construction. They do the Planning->Design and then works with contractors to finalize the project. Its a medium size firm and I really like the "push as hard as you can" atmosphere with a lot of banter back and forth. The work I have been given deals with designing hospitals, librarys, streets, and utilities, which is what I want to be working in right now.
So many supplies! I could take all of them and find a use for each one!
Many of my coworkers are very athletic. At least 2 run Marathons and some of the others go cycling classes (Run Fat Boy Run haha).
The best thing though was getting a tote bag with free stuff in it! I got:
-BKF Frisbee (had one, gave it away, and now i have another)
-BKF Mug
-Business Cards (I'll get new ones when I become a E1!)
-Measuring Tape (good to have)
-mini flashlight (It's not great...)
-keychain.... thrown away...
-Information packet!
I brought my gf's valentine's gift with me to work for decoration, but I am looking for more of them as I need to seem like I am there for the long haul. Sadly posters have to be small because the walls are only 3 ft tall. I was thinking about more things to put all over the cubicle I reside in.
I need:
Something from SJSU
Picture Frames of my favorites (have 2 frames ready!)
A Collage (I'll make it from my pictures one day!)
Something from Simpsons
Something from Legos
A funny joke or 2
That's all for today. I am actually going to be trying to not go out on Sunday/Monday/either Wednesdays or Thursdays because I need to workout at home and if I stay later then I can leave earlier on Fridays!
Signing off, have a good day!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Dreams and Lessons
Of a happiness that used to be
Soon my eyes will close (soon my eyes will close)
Soon I'll find repose
And in dreams, you're always near to me
While I am definitely not in a position where the love of my life is leaving me as Evelyn and I are staying together while she is going to SDSU (Hurray for her! Sad for me!) and I am starting up full time work next Tuesday after helping her move in, this song reminded me of a video and book that I wanted to blog about.
The Last Lecture
A while back I watched the youtube video of a Professor's last lecture at his college because he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The youtube video was his actual last lecture infront of a packed lecture hall filled with his friends, students and family. Everyone that he personally touched the life of. The book was about him writing that lecture and the line that rang true throughout both was:
"What wisdom would you try to impart to the world if you knew it was your last chance?"
While there were multiple beautiful life lessons he tried to pass on, a major one and possibly the one Randy Pausch lived by was to follow your childhood dreams. It was a goal in his life that transitioned and changed just as he changed from a child to an adult, but never lost its innocence or grandeur.
"The Best of the Gold is at the Bottom of the Barrel"
I loved his lecture and his book, and both nearly drove me to tears as this man who was dying from cancer tried to give everything to he still had to give in the few months he had to live after the fatal prognosis. He continually talked about wanting his newly born children to know who he was.
People change the world in so many different ways. I hope everyone picks their path in life for the way that it affects others. I suggest everyone read that book and watch the lecture!
I miss my legos and my constructs… gotta dig them up!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
What would I put on my Cubicle/Office Walls?
After seeing this interesting site online:
I thought about what I would do to make my own workplace a little more fun. I'll write another post about the things I will have in my office/cubicle later.
#1: Some pictures of my family, friends, and gf. You gotta have a few of those around to show off that you have a life outside of work… you just haven't visited it in a while. Maybe 1 or 2 pictures of events in my life like graduation to round it out. I care about others, but also myself, you know.
#2: A small Whiteboard. I would have said a blackboard but no one would have wanted to use it because of the chalk (even if it was no dust chalk). It would be there to write down important notes or events, but also silly quotes like "It's A Trap!"- Admiral Ackbar or drawings of the Simpsons.
#3: Something from SJSU, maybe a poster or something I made to remember where I have come from with my Honors Society.
#4: a Possimpible poster that I will make when I have time. This word is from Barney Stintson and I think its awesome! Did you know that Kinkos will make you rather large posters for just a dollar or 2? So I"ll make my own, muahahaha. A Shirt done for the word!
#5: A "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibiity" Poster of Comicbook Spiderman. Awesomeness
#6: A Calendar. Of what…. I don’t know yet. I'll go to a calendar store and whatever catches my eye which might be a simpsons question calendar.
#7: I'm open to suggestions!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wacky Weekend
Friday, July 23rd: The day started off relatively normal, and would be the most chill day out of the next 3. I spent most of the day cleaning up the house, going to Costco to restock on supplies and get food to cook for my parents while I would be too tired/busy in the next few days. There were 3 birthdays this weekend! Blast you parents! This is what happens when you conceive a child around the same times. July births are from December (Christmas) conception, as November ones are from February (Valentines) conception. Curse you parents.
Alan asked if I wanted to come over to his place for some wine and board games around 1 pm with a few friends. I thought it would be a good way to stay chill on the drinking and have fun. Then around 8pm I’m asked by Louis to go out for drinks and laser tag.
Whenever these things happen between my friends or social events, I pick the one that came first as I already told that group YES. While in certain special situations I’ll change that policy, it works for the most part pretty well. I mean, don’t people plan important events early?
My gf and I go to Alan’s get together and find out that it is a couples night! Ahhh! These can either be fine or turn out horrible. One of the dates became too drunk, hit her knee,spilled wine on a new seat and fell asleep on her new love interest’s bed (all by accident, I’m sure…). The rest of us spent the night playing Trivial Pursuit, drinking, and watching a little TV. I got to catch up with 2 friends, hurray! Got to sleep a little before the next morning.
Saturday, July 24th: Garlic Festival in the morning! We were able to get there before traffic began to build up on 101. I felt bad not inviting more people to go, but I was not the one that planned it out in the first place… but was stuck with that job the NIGHT BEFORE. Anyway, the Shrimp Scampi and crab garlic fries were awesome, but the free garlic ice cream took the show on that hot day. While I understand why people would complain about the price, I don’t think it’s justified as parking is free and most of the appeal is seeing all the sites at a festival. Music, free food, interesting boutiques, and beer made it worthwhile.
Go with people that will make the most out of a situation and won’t complain when out of their comfort zone or when things aren’t “perfect”. I got 3 free garlic ice creams!
After sleeping and burping garlic most of the day, I got ready for Alan’s birthday party at Saddle Rack and then Christine’s Birthday that night. Saddle Rack had a high cover, but was such a cute place to hang out in a very western atmosphere. There was a mechanical bull, and a live band for square dancing!
Christine’s party was a bit more normal as it was at Pearl, a club in downtown SJ. It was nice to see her friends that I know and chat for a little bit, but the point of the night was drinking and dancing later, both of which I could not do. My friend Louis went there for his birthday too and just wanted to hang out. I honestly felt like that night was pulled away from Christine because of so many people had other issues there. Poor Christine, I’ll get her a drink the next time I see her.
This night truly symbolizes a difference in my friend groups. Saddle Rack vs. Pearl… I think I am getting old… but the mid 20’s is supposed to be when men shine!
Insert melodramatic voice
Sunday, July 25th: I awoke from a restless slumber, aggravated by only enjoying 3 hours of sleep. Quickly annoyance evaporated as I remembered the reason, the need, and the desire for me to be awake this early. The San Francisco Half Marathon would start shortly. I used what little time I had to consume as much food as possible and check to see if everything was in order as I had been training for the last 6 weeks for this day.
There were no markers, no indications, and no help on how far I had gone or had to go as I reached the end of the Golden Gate Bridge and began to run across it again. The winds cut to the bone as a mix of mist and sweat covered my body. There was finally a 9 mile marker, symbolizing an end to this journey, but that the path there would be long. Unexpectedly after that sign the path began to slope upwards, adding gravity to the obstacles I had to overcome.
As I rounded the corner to the Finish, I realized too late how close it was and how much more I could give. I saw a timer stating “3:02” as the official time and my heart sake. Completing a half marathon requires one to run all 13.1 miles in 3 hours! I crossed the line crushed and hoping for an answer. It was quickly given to me as that time represented the first wave and in my weary state I had not came to this conclusion. Sadly my time was over what I wanted by 10 minutes, and I vowed to come back and show this trail everything I had.
What I learned: Dress for the race conditions, not what you are most comfortable in running! Get a watch or better yet, a mobile GPS! Get more sleep before a half marathon! Walk uphills if tired!
SF marathon ill get under 2 hours next time!
The rest of the day was spent relaxing with my awesome gf and I can say it was a great day all and all.
Let’s do it again!
Going to start posting more often as I have so many subjects to write on right now.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Can't Hold a G Down
There will be so many sports I shove my kids into, but I hope they never grow up emulating certain “icons of sports” that have lived sub-par lives off or on the court. Michael Jordan, Jerry Rice, and… (ok I didn’t have a baseball icon when I was a kid) were people that you could look up to beyond their natural talent and determination to make money. Here’s a list of players I don’t think deserve to be idolized at all even if they are the greatest of all time:
Tiger Woods: Cheats on his wife consistently
Kobe Bryant: Cheated on his wife
Alex Rodriguez- Steroids
Mark Macguire- Steroids
Reggie Bush- Accepting money from USC and dooming them
Meaning of G
Another problem with our new age sports stars as role models is that they have problems with many of the more noble characteristics we used to take for granted in society. Players in all sports refuse to play if not being paid ridiculous amounts of money or being given enough play time (Terell Owens). They don’t care about the team winning or losing, just their own benefit. There is no loyalty, only greed. A player that exemplifies this problem with our era of sports is….
LeBron James!
(quoted from http://www.askmen.com/sports/fanatic_250/293_lebron-james-not-man-enough-to-see-it-through.html) read it if you care
Lebron James is not G because he doesn’t have the needed qualities to symbolize the best in athletes. None of the other people on this list are in their commercials as they do not either. Loyalty to the game you are meant to love, your family you are meant to love, and your team that you are meant to love, show which players have”G”. James giving up in Game 6 because the Boston Celtics were beating them and then not saying whether or not he will stay with Cleveland to get his coach fired. That’s pathetic.
If bored at work, why don't you take a look at these:
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Well it’s been a WHILE since the last time I posted on here. Let’s see if anything has really changed
1. Unemployed
2. Dad’s health not good
3. Trying to workout
Honestly not much has changed sadly. I have been doing many many new things though and so I guess I have been expanding my horizons. I went to New Orleans and that was an incredible experience with my girlfriend. We went to New Orleans and San Diego to see the campuses my gf could possibly go to for grad school. Sadly we could only stay for 2 days, but they were a fun 2 days! The mornings we ate decadent beignets and later throughout the days there were NO style foods that fascinated our taste buds and eyes. Look on my facebook for my pictures! I will be uploading them soon. San Diego was the next stop on the trip and it was nice to go to a beach that isn’t being attacked by british oil (you spill it, you buy it!) and see both of our friend groups down there.
Besides the big trip to New Orleans and San Diego, I’ve also got to go watch Wicked in San Francisco. Though it has been a while since it came out, the cast is still good enough for the $40 price tag and it’s a treat to see the story of Oz from Glinda’s point of view (Wicked the book is from the Witch’s, Wizard of Oz is from Dorothy’s). Though one of my pet peeves for big cities reared its ugly head in the form of NO PARKING…
What am I doing about my unemployment? Well I am trying to spend time studying for certification tests. They are by far the best way to get above the curve of college graduates instead of just going back to school. I am going to try and get 2 certification tests done by the end of the year. As well I have been emailing old job contacts and just seeing if they know of any openings and then going off those.
I will be taking my Dad to physical therapy twice a week at his old carehome. Hopefully he will progress quickly with it and I will have somewhere around there with wifi where I could study while waiting for him. Until I get a high paying (50k) full time job, chauffeuring around my parents is the best use of time and taking care of them.
For exercise… I am going to run a half marathon (13.1 miles) at the end of July! The marathon will be for the American Cancer Society and I started training for it 2 weeks ago. The workouts are going like this:
Lift Run Lift Run Lift Swim Rest….. Repeat!
So I should be in great shape by then. It’s giving me a nice goal to strive for and I think I’ll keep looking around for charity activities to join. Last year I did the Diabetes Run (I don’t remember the name…) and so now I’m going to build on that. By the time of the marathon, I will have run 70 miles! Luckily I just bought new running shoes. If anyone has some really good running/working out songs, please share with me! I am redoing my ipod’s list.
Anyway, here's the world record breaking game of dodgeball
Dodge, Dip, Duck, Dive, and Dodge!
Friday, April 9, 2010
"Wait.... What?"
9:55 am- Text to girlfriend "Hey I think I'm getting an in-person interview in late April for the wastewater/water company I was telling you about! Sadly they all have PS3's as rich engineers while I only have a 360..."
10:03 am-Text from girlfriend "Yay! Let's celebrate by buying me things!"
10:08 am- Text to girlfriend"...Maybe I should not have told you..."
Longer post later but I had to get this one out. I have to go buy my father a TV now as he's getting better and things are not as chaotic/stressful as when he first came back.
S.F. Zip Line Gives Free Rides!
Must take advantage of! Hopefully it's not windy!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
- Dante Alighieri
I like this quote, though anyone that has studied Dante's Inferno will tell you the worst place in Hell is the coldest place, and it is PRETTY cold right now in my room.
So here's a quick rundown of April for everyone.
April 5th: my Dad comes home after going though rehabilitation at a care center for his congestive heart disease and bronchitis. Big day!
April 9th: Interview with Kennedy/Jenks Consultants. A water/environmental engineering consulting company in Palo Alto. This is for an entry level position and I would LOVE to get it.
April 17th-19th: Vegas! Party!
April 18th: Important Day, hehe
April 20th: Birthday! Probably won't want to do something this day but that weekend I'd like to have a BBQ or something in the day and then the night.
*I have a variable day interview with Kleinfelder throughout April, unsure if it will happen or the date yet*
So I am going to be pretty busy! Even FF13 will be neglected (GF>FF sorry video game)
So I will make this blog a little about FF13 and the whole series!
I have played every FF except 11, 1, and 2. When I was a kid I actually bought the strategy guides for 1 and 2 (nintendopower!) with my small savings and read the storylines. I have always played the final fantasy games for their storylines and characters.
When my brother started playing FF4 I was scared because the boss battle music was so scary!
(I was such a wuss, look at that thing! And it was even the mother of one of the female characters!)
Final Fantasy 6 is my favorite, though it is probably because it was the first one I played. I will argue that it is the best simply because the characters are just soooo awesome. First there are so many of them! While each one does not get character development, the main 11 characters (ones required for storyline) have backgrounds, stories, reasons to fight, and develop. The battle system was extremely fun because every character had a special move adding a new element to battles.
I am pointing out these great parts of my favorite one because FF13 feels a great deal like this. The story starts out with each character being terribly 1-dimensional, somewhat delusional. But this leaves for great character development, albeit forced. Every character goes through transitions and mature, much like how Squall or Cloud did, EXCEPT WITH EVERY CHARACTER (stupid games...).
I never thought I would say this, but I missed the WORLD MAP. You never really get one in FF13, which was so epic in the previous ones for exploration. It really kills the fantasy portion of the game, as it feels like you are on rails going through a movie (good, but not RPG good).
Here's my ranking of FFs
Goodbye FF13 for a while!
Lightning: Hey Squall, my gunblade actually MAKES sense
Lightning: Unlike your's. It looks like you are trying to compensate for something.
Squall: ....
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Musicians of a Generation
Frank Sinatra 40's
Elvis Presley 50's
Beatles 60's
Journey 70's (I'm bias, there's probably a more fitting one)
Michael Jackson 80's
Madonna 90's
And now we come to the end of the 2000's, and I was wondering who will be the "Voice of our Generation. I have heard a couple people (jokingly) say Kesha is, but when I think about it, there really hasn't been one that rises above the crowd. Do you look at a rapper? An R&B artist? A rockstar?
Kanye West? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/11/13/kanye-west-im-the-voice-o_n_143703.html
Bigger than Jesus?
Taylor Swift? http://idolator.com/5395432/taylor-swift-named-the-voice-of-a-generation-by-president-of-her-label
Succumbs to nerves but has a heart of gold?
Those 2 are battling out for the Voice of a Generation? hahaha, the irony
If i were to pick a musician to define the sound of our generation, I would be incredibly bias towards the Black Eye Peas or Jason Mraz because they appeal to me so much.
Apparently, according to the Grammies the Voice of the 2000's is......
Seriously, they have one the most important ones most often by far.
I don't particularly like them but I guess its a broader audience and international appeal. I live in the Bay Area, and so I am affected by the music around the area and which is usually Rap and R&B (a little alternative). Looking at these artists (i like all of them), they do have that in common.
Maybe I should start listening to more U2?
This should be the voice of the generation!
On the other side, Vegas in 1 month. 2 interviews in April (one is a phone interview). My dad should be coming home that month as well. So much to do!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
How Rude!
Come here rude boy, boy
Can you get it up
Come here rude boy, boy
Is you big enough
Take it, take it
Baby, baby
Take it, take it
Love me, love me
So the rest of the song is just as sexual, and it reminded me of other dirty songs throughout the years. There’s
Rock the Boat- Aaliyah
I Do Both Jay and Jane- Larissa (ironic because a girl I knew in private school that’s now a baby momma…)
That’s what its made for- Usher
Aaaaannnnddd the all time dirty song:
What’s Your Fantasy- Ludacris
So my friend Jason (who is catholic) thought that today, Wednesday, was Friday. We went out for some cheap Taco Bell food (his treat) and I tried something new by ordering everything “fresco” style, which I heard about a while back. It is advertised to “lower” the grams of fat in the food. Here’s a chicken taco coming at yah!
Fresco Style is actually just replacing the cheese with pico de gallo. Now I like pico de gallo, and Taco Bell actually does a decent job with it, but don’t take away my cheese! I wish there were more Baja Fresh’s open late.
Season 4 of the Simpsons is GOLD. I’ve watched 8 episodes and there’s only one episode that wasn’t that great. There were great jokes throughout all the episodes to reference, like
“Can’t sleep, clown’ll eat me. Can’t sleep, clown’ll eat me.”
I’ll make a FF13 post next week! So many things!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Monsters and Alcohol
So I was talking with a couple friends the other day at a birthday party and the subject of “Twilight” came up between the girls. They seemed quite bitter about the fourth book and began ranting about how the book was only about Edward (Vampire) and none of Jacob (Werewolf). I was paying a little bit of attention and then a question dawned on me. “Which one do you like more, Vampires or Werewolves?” This directed the conversation toward a more general audience (guys).
Vampires in common sci-fi culture are known as creatures that feed off blood. They usually have In Twilight, they may have souls, but I have heard that they typically think of humans as food or as lower beings.
Werewolves until recently were individuals that transformed because of a full moon into a wolf creature that terrorized people. Now Lycans (I think they are synonyms)are a apparently a part of the “underworld” society where they are ruled over by vampires or shunned by society. It is always a problem killing a werewolf as his/her ulterior ego is the reason for the killing.
Of course, in Twilight its Edward vs Jacob. Now, to make this a bigger debate:
Which one do you like more, Vampires or a Werewolves? I don’t mean that a werewolf has to be transformed, just overall.
I feel worse for werewolves and maybe if you know… some of that werewolf ferocity could be in the human form… hehe.
Well, here’s something more interesting blog post
Are you an Alcoholic?
1.Do you lose time from work due to your drinking?
2. Is drinking making your home life unhappy?
3. Do you drink because you are shy with other people?
4. Is drinking affecting your reputation?
5. Have you ever felt remorse after drinking?
6. Have you gotten into financial difficulties as a result of your drinking?
7. Do you turn to lower companions and an inferior environment when drinking?
No… Yes…. Wait what?
8. Does your drinking make you careless of your family's welfare?
9. Has your ambition decreased since drinking?
10. Do you crave a drink at a definite time daily?
11. Do you want a drink the next morning?
12. Does drinking cause you to have difficulty in sleeping?
…..It has happened…. Yes?
13. Has your efficiency decreased since drinking?
14. Is drinking jeopardizing your job or business?
15. Do you drink to escape from worries or troubles?
16. Do you drink alone?
17. Have you ever had a complete loss of memory as a result of your drinking?
No, just… fast time?
18. Has your physician ever treated you for drinking?
19. Do you drink to build up your self-confidence?
I have actually, yes
20. Have you ever been in a hospital or institution on account of drinking?
If you have answered YES to any one of the questions, there is a definite warning that you may be an alcoholic.
If you have answered YES to any two, the chances are that you are an alcoholic.
If you have answered YES to three or more, you are definitely an alcoholic.
OMG I'M AN ALCOHOLIC.... rehab time? lol
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Let’s Fall In (Insert Trademark Here)
Hallo everyone, sorry I did not get this post out earlier. Last week became very busy and I won’t sacrifice job searching time to blog. It was taken up because of hanging out with friends, but also “snags” occurred that made me have to scramble for my Valentine’s Day gift. Let’s just say my gift was not up to par with my girlfriend’s gift for me (OMG YOUR GF GAVE YOU SOMETHING? I KNO RITE!). But what I would like to discuss is Valentine’s Day a little and the things around it.
One of my friend’s celebrates Valentine’s Day the day after to avoid the upped prices and the crowds and the excessively materialistic and sappy fake holiday that it is. (Guy)
Another one of my friend’s thinks that you MUST celebrate it on Valentine’s Day on the day because you need to make sure that a woman knows she is wanted and taken care of on that day because others will be doing it. (Girl)
I celebrated mine a little bit a week before and a lot a bit a week after. It was fun with lots of little crazy things going on and enjoying each other's company.
Yeah… This “holiday” is weird. I am not opposed to Valentine’s Day (it’s the holiday of LOVE!) but everything else around it can get out of hand. The opinions on the holiday are as sporadic and contradictory as…. Well people’s opinions on love. Have you ever asked someone what their opinion on love is? Anyway, here’s the rankings of the Valentine’s Day movies that came out on rotten tomatoes.
First to be released: Dear John 28%
Second to be released: Valentine’s Day 18%
Hasn’t Been released: Remember Me ____
If a Love movie doesn’t come out in February either before or ON Valentine’s Day, then it is most likely avoiding competition with other movies. I read the synopsis for Remember Me, and I could have written the plot. Dear John I read the synopsis as well and it had some twists and a plot that was worth 28%. Valentine’s Day I watched and halfway through the movie started laughing at it's stupidity (BAD romance comedy). I predict Remember Me to get an ….. 8%. If its better, hurray.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Stand Under My Better Umbrella!
Kina Grannis is a really small time but great singer. She does a better Disturbia then Rihanna (well, slowing down Rihanna's songs and giving them to a better singer make them better songs, HERE listen to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sb86KRJtnWE)
Hey Everyone here's a look at what ive been doing and what I want to be doing on a weekday:
Just to make things a little more interesting I googled a few things on my schedule and yeah... Click on it to view

Recently I've been having to deal with a multitude of things large and small. One of my aunt's just passed away from Cervical Cancer in the Philippines (she moved back there when she was told how many months she had to live). My Dad has been going through a lot of up and downs recently. Things have been very annoying and sporadic dealing with the family apartment. I finalized everything with SJSU about graduation verification. They had been withholding it as I needed to transfer a GE class over. I honestly never want to deal with SJSU again, even for grad school.
On the bright side I'll probably be putting up 2 other blog posts this week.
One will be spurred on by the stupid movie "Valentine's Day". Now, I love romantic comedies, but that movie was terrible. Watch Love Actually again.
Another one will be based on funny/weird/dumb guy rating systems for girls. "Shorty you a dime" comes to mind....
It was an interesting day to go to Costco. Not only were there tons of Asian people there for Lunar New Year, there was also a bunch of people buying plants and flowers and candy for V-day. Heh, Costco, Flowers in Bulk! I did one good deed today (made up for my bad driving...) as I put back together a toy that a little girl broke by dropping it. It was this weird cube with Dora sticking her head out from inside it. Her mom was very happy. I guess it balanced out as I forgot to get cash today to pay for my haircut and my barber said to just pay next time. Big tip next time.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Alicia Keys Album- The Element of Freedom
So this blog is going to have 3 small prargraphs/ideas/thoughts/monkey's on my back/paths to my soul.
Anyone who has known me for a while knows I like trying new things, especially when they aren't mainstream. Small restaurants, farmer's markets, broomball, new bars, and hikes. There was this small eatery that opened up next to Peanuts (SJSU people will know) that is "Korean style Japanese" Food. This means the restaurant owners are Korean, the food served is Japanese, and the cook is (probably) Mexican. This little corner building has gonr through 4 restuarants while I was in school. The first place was a terrible Chinese place, then a good Arabic place, a cheap/bad Nexican place, and now this place. I went in to this empty eatery and ordered some salmon teriyaki to go. They gave me a miso soup while I was waiting and then another one for the road. The family that owns it was friendly, but I'm scared that the place will close down because they opened up while SJSU wasn't in session. The food was good, though a little pricey for cheap college students. It is called "Osheyo" and maybe will add some variety to places around SJSU.
January 11th was the 20th Anniversary of the Simpsons. There have been 450 episodes and has been on TV longer than any other show. It is said to be the best show in the last 25 years (idk about that). The Simpsons have been on TV as long as I have been watching TV, and I can't imagine life without it! Just kidding, but it still shows that quality and excellence can succeed EVEN ON TV. Futurama was a great show, and Family Guy has its moments, but is still not close to the satire of American Culture that is the Simpsons. The best line from the Simpsons special tonight was "It's such a part of our world that its become like dogs or candy. When someone says that they don't like the Simpsons, you look at them in disbelief." I'm watching Season 10 of the Simpsons right now, even though I have to catch up on Heroes, Glee (uhhh... yeah), House, and maybe start up on Lost and Entourage. Here's a drinking game
"500 Days of Summer" has replaced WallE on my top 5 movies of all time. It was close between WallE and Dark Knight, but 500 Days of Summer is a very artistic movie and is the same type as WallE. Its a movie about love, and does an excellent job portraying the nuisances of Love for people in this world. This movie made me think of many things in my own life, but I'll talk about my own opinion of the greatness of stories. I love reading/watching stories that inspire an outcry of my own emotions. 500 was about love, Star Wars was awe and hope. Scary movies make one feel fear and tension. Video games also do that to me, as a great story can be told while immersed in it. Your own decisions and successes effect the story. Playing sports and watching them is the same way: an expression of human passion and greatness.
Oh, here's something to look at if ever needing some ideas on vacation or just a makeout spot, haha.